Cicer arietinum L.
Merkki: Franchi
Pakkauksessa:500,0 g
Veroton: 7.65€
Kahviherne ''Principe'' ("kikherne", "Garbanzo") – Cicer arietinum.

Mid-early variety. Dwarf plant 40-60 cm tall. Vigorous and of good production.
The pod is of medium dimensions and contains 2-3 chickpeas. Harvest before complete maturity.

Harilik kikerhernes, nuut, ppõishernes

Harilik kikerhernes (nuut, põishernes)

Eng.: Chick pea. Suom.: Kahviherne, "kikherne". Sven.: Kikärt (Garbanzoböna). Bot.: Cicer arietinum.

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